Updated EVTradinpost website

I manage the EVTradin’post, a classifieds site for the electric car/vehicle community. The site has been around for a while and has desperately needed a refresh for some time. Well… it has been a while coming and I still have some features I want to develop around the core data. Nothing is ever “finished” these days, but…

EVTradin'post If you go to http://www-new.evtradinpost.com – you will see the updated version of the EVTradinpost. I’ve been working with existing ad owners to move their ads over to the new server, but if you want to create new accounts and ads, you should do it here. I am leaving the old site active for a bit so that people can get their ad copy if they need it and then I will be transferring the www hostname to this server. If you have been kind enough to link to the site homepage, thank you, and don’t need to update your link.

With this release, you will find:

  • updated look while not straying too far from the original color scheme and feel
  • much better photo display as well as the ability to upload several photos of the item you are selling
  • the ability to subscribe to the areas of the site and receive alerts if ads are posted
  • rss feeds for the most recent ads as well as for each of the areas of the site
  • the ability to identify yourself as a member of an EAA chapter

Once I get a few more ads associated with EAA chapters I’ll be turning on lists specific to those chapters. If you are affiliated with other chapters, please feel free to add your chapter to the EAA field when you create your account. Then we’ll be able to link to the lists from our chapter pages and even pull an rss feed of our chapters’ ads into our own sites. Feel free to contact me if you manage an EAA chapter site and would like to work with me on that.